Nigo & Human Made Remember Pop Smoke With New T-Shirt Capsule

Human Made Pop Smoke T-shirt

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Human Made and Victor Victor Worldwide have come together to release a special capsule remembering Pop Smoke. The collaboration includes two T-shirts, one specific to Pop Smoke and the other to Victor Victor, which is run by Pop’s former manager, Steven Victor.

The joint project came about as Victor and Nigo of Human Made are longtime friends. “Nigo is one of my biggest inspirations,” said Victor. “The ultimate master in taste and design, The global standard.”

“Pop always wanted to go to Japan and when i mentioned to him that nigo might be doing a design/collab, he was super excited,” the record executive added on Instagram. “These collabs are very special to me.”

The Human Made T-shirts will be available online for 48 hours only, beginning July 19 at 10 p.m. EST. Victor Victor will be donating its portion of the proceeds to Steven’s charitable organization, the Victor Victor Foundation.

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Nigo is one of my biggest inspirations The ultimate master in taste and design, The global standard. I flew to japan for 24 hours to have dinner with nigo and dan, we discussed my vision for victor victor and the logo. Today we drop our first collabs – Pop Smoke x Human Made Victor Victor x Human Made Pop always wanted to go to Japan and when i mentioned to him that nigo might be doing a design/collab, he was super excited. These collabs are very special to me. Hope you enjoy. Available from for 48 hours ・JAPAN Monday 20 July 11AM. ・U.S.A (EDT) Sunday 19 July 10pm. Proceeds will be going towards vvf and sftsaftm foundations

A post shared by Steven VICTOR (@stevenvictor) on

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