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Balenciaga and adidas, back at it? It may be more likely than you think. Balencaga and adidas’ debut collaboration, which dropped in Summer 2022, was enough of a fashion landmark that it begs the question: is it time for round two?
The rumors began, as they so often do, with sneaker leakers revealing supposed first-look imagery of Balenciaga x adidas footwear. You may (rightly) assume that there’s not a lot of strength to these kinds of leaks but remember that the first Balenciaga x adidas line was first seen the same way.
What the imagery reveals is a freakish Balenciaga x adidas sneaker that mashes up the tall Balenciaga Track Hike sneaker with adidas’ Forum Mid. Not for everyone, to say the least.
However, the combo isn’t so far-fetched. Remember that actual Balenciaga x adidas footwear includes adidas sock-like Balenciaga Speed Trainers and co-branded Triple S shoes so, by comparison, the Track Hike Forum hybrid actually feels quite thoughtful.
Plus, as an evolution of Balenciaga’s fan-favorite Track.2 sneaker — perhaps its most perfect shoe — this rumored collaboration is at least something different.
Highsnobiety has reached out to an adidas representative for comment.
The timing of Balenciaga x adidas will be tricky to nail down.
Balenciaga is really only just starting over following the 2022 ad campaign scandal that brought it to its knees (and featured imagery from the Balenciaga x adidas campaign to boot).
Designer Demna brought Balenciaga back to the runway in early March which presumably serves the house’s proper reset point.
The adidas collaboration was not on the runway, though, which is how both the first Balenciaga x adidas collab was revealed and how the world was introduced to Gucci x Balenciaga.
adidas likes to do multiple collaborations with its big-name partners — consider the many Prada x adidas drops — so though there’s no official confirmation that Balenciaga x adidas is back on, it’s hardly out of the question.
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