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Fancy yourself a Fortnite champion? Well, should you be one of the lucky few gamers that have made it to this year’s Champion Series, you’re in for a treat. For the first time, the tournament now comes complete with its very own trophy, designed and made by Swarovski nonetheless.
The glory of winning a hyper-competitive tournament is great. As a gamer, nothing can quite top the feeling of having your hours (and hours) of play validated by a huge win. Of course, the prize money at the end of it all is a massive bonus, too.
Where games like Fortnite and League of Legends are concerned, cash prizes are no small thing. How does $3 million sound for snatching first place? Nice, right?
While that’s a life-changing amount of money, we all like to take a medal or trophy home for our wins – and this year, the Fortnite Champion Series has a trophy of its own.
Designed and made by Swarovski’s master craftspeople the trophy takes inspiration from this year’s FNCS chrome logo. At the center of the trophy, you’ll find the FNCS logo alongside custom Swarovski crystals with an iridescent color-changing effect that transitions from purple to blue.
Ensuring the trophy is a personal affair, the winner’s names will be etched onto the trophy. The final piece stands 18 inches tall with a total weight of 15 pounds.
While the competition is by invitation only, running from November 12 to 13, you and your squad can have yours too at Legends Landing, where you’ll find an in-game version of the trophy.
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