In this episode of TSB, Caesar, Guru, Geeno, and Dunks are in-studio.
There’s an intruder in the studio. Luckily Dave is there to save the day.
Jordan Brand trolled their own fans by releasing the highly coveted “Banned” Nike Air Ship only in Europe in very limited quantities.
Does the amount of shoes you have in your collection determine your ability to be a true sneakerhead?
Are people that gullible that they will indiscriminately follow celebrities for fashion trends, including sneakers?
We discuss the recent “Bel-Air 2.0” Air Jordan 5 release.
Are people becoming so tired of catching “L’s” with hyped sneaker releases that the thought of knowingly buying fakes is no longer taboo?
Caesar tells some workplace stories from his days working at “The Avenue”.
Nike is finally releasing the Kobe retros. Is it too soon, or were they overthinking holding them back in the first place?
Are sneaker collabs jumping the shark?
And finally, in “This Week In Stupid”, Caesar reads some stories which includes a restaurant in New York being sued by a former employee over missing overtime pay and being fired over not wearing his Air Jordan 1s, which was apparently a part of the dress code and uniform.